Category: Ethereum

Ethereum And Turing-complete Programming

Ethereum And Turing-complete Programming

Ethereum has become a blockchain platform that is second to only Bitcoin in terms of popularity among cryptocurrency investors and blockchain enthusiasts. When Vitalik Buterin first proposed and then advanced the idea of Ethereum a major selling point was improvements on the Bitcoin blockchain. One of these improvements was the use of a Turing-complete programming […]

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How to Mine Etherum

How to Mine Etherum

Mining cryptocurrency for profit might be harder than it was several years ago, but plenty of people are still interested. Ethereum offers one of the better mining opportunities for new miners. This Bitcoin rival has plenty of upside in terms of price and potential. When learning how to mine Ethereum you need to become familiar […]

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How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work?

How Do Ethereum Smart Contracts Work?

There are a few subjects in cryptocurrency which are prone to misunderstanding. The smart contracts that are a major part of the Ethereum platform are one such subject. As a crypto investor you have probably heard about them but have little insight into how they work. Here’s a brief overview of smart contracts and some […]

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Ethereum Wallets, Trading & Dapps

Ethereum Wallets, Trading & Dapps

Ethereum is arguably the second-most popular cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin. Readers often want to know how to use Ethereum wallets, trading, and Dapps. Getting started with this digital token is simple. Here are some pointers on using Ethereum if you want to add the cryptocurrency to your existing portfolio. Ethereum Wallets All cryptocurrency tokens have no […]

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How Ethereum Mining Works

How Ethereum Mining Works

If you are a regular reader of CryptoSwede then you are probably familiar with mining. It’s the process by which many cryptocurrencies are created, and it is also vital to the maintenance of a blockchain. Mining Ethereum is a little bit different than mining Bitcoin and other tokens. Here’s a quick look at how Ethereum […]

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How will Ethereum (ETH) Scale?

How will Ethereum (ETH) Scale?

One of the hot topics in the world of cryptocurrency is scalability. The issue of how cryptocurrencies can support more users and transactions is usually discussed in relation to Bitcoin. The truth is that all digital currency platforms have similar challenges. How will Ethereum scale, for example? The world’s second most-popular blockchain platform is not […]

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