3 Blockchain Companies That You Should Know About

The world of blockchain technology is evolving at a rapid rate. More companies are emerging that are dedicated to developing new applications for blockchains. That can have an impact on cryptocurrencies in the present and in the future. Here are three blockchain companies that you should be familiar with if you are a Bitcoin or crypto investor.

The Blockchain Research Institute

Don and Alex Tapscott are credited with the formation of the Blockchain Research Institute in 2017. The founders enlisted the participation of many blockchain experts to create the institute. It has become a think-tank that operates on a global scale. The goal is to address challenges that face blockchain technology and other issues that the founders deem important.

The Blockchain Research Institute is unique in that its experts reach out to other leaders and pioneers in blockchain technology as well as world governments. There is a hope that by creating thought partnerships a more global acceptance of blockchains can be developed.

There are some 100 research projects that are actively managed by BRI. The institute maintains an online presence where it publishes all of its work related to blockchains. Multimedia presentations are available for many of the projects. This is done to make it easier for academics to use the research for coursework and sharing.

There are ten specific sectors which are a focus of the Blockchain Research Institute. These include energy and power, finance, government, and healthcare. The solutions being developed by the institute have the potential to have a great impact on how the world manages data.


European countries have certainly be among those who could be considered early adopters of blockchain technology. ThinkBlockTank was launched specifically to address blockchain issues in the European Union. It was founded and launched by members of Letzblock.

The goal at TinkBlockTank is to address things such as token regulation. This is a growing issue throughout the world as governments struggle with how to understand cryptocurrency. The think tank also works on distributed ledger technologies and blockchain applications as a whole. It is based in Luxembourg.

The organization is relatively young when compared to other blockchain companies. It was established in November of 2018, almost one year after the Bitcoin bull run which sent the token soaring toward a value of $20,000. In that month the think tank released the “EU Token Regulation Paper” which was an iteration of an existing paper on crypto regulation.

There are experts from 20 European countries participating in the work carried out by ThinkBlockTank. More than 50 professions are represented among its membership.

Cambridge Blockchain Forum

The Cambridge Blockchain Hub and Cambridge Blockchain Forum exist as a think tank and venture incubator for blockchain technology. It is an organization which has developed partnerships with important entities such as Swisscom Blockchain and the British Business Federation Authority. As a stated goal the forum tries to bring together academic institutions and public and private stakeholders. It is desired that these partnerships will benefit entrepreneurs.

The forum was founded by two blockchain experts who enlisted the aid of Hermann Hauser KBE. Sir Hermann chairs the Cambridge Blockchain Forum in its work toward identifying strategic blockchain objectives. There is a dual emphasis on regulation and technology.

As one might expect, the forum is especially concerned with blockchain technology as it applies to the UK. The cross-disciplinary approach of the forum and its collaborative nature make it a suitable forum for the world at large. The forum specializes in creating use cases for blockchain technology that can be implemented by the public sector.

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These companies are but a small segment of organizations that have been created to study blockchains. It is likely that many more will appear as the technology behind crypto continues to revolutionize the management of data.

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